Remember Friday Quick Takes? When we’d all post seven quickie things off the top of our heads and do blog roundups? Visit each other’s virtual spaces? Sigh. I miss that.
But in the words of St. Junipero Serra, “always forward, never back”. And while he was talking about missionary matters, it’s still a pretty good reminder that the past is a nice place to visit, but we’re not supposed to be dwelling there. That said, how about we plan on Fridays around here being “Brain Candy Friday”?
It’ll just be a little listicle, different topic each week. Nothing too hefty or serious. I’ll save the heavy brain lifting for Mondays or Wednesdays.
So here. we. go.
I love YouTube. Once growing season is over, it is my absolute favorite to hunker down with a needlework project of some sort and watch my favorite creators. And, unlike my podcast library, the majority of channels I watch are sweet and wholesome, with the murdery and supernatural being the outliers (seriously, my podcast tastes need some Jesus).
So allow me to share some of my favorites with you, in case you’re looking for something to watch during these lengthening nights.
Adventures and Activities. If you’re here from the old Catholic Mommyblog days, you remember Mary Kate (the title of her old blog, Why Yes, I AM Crazy, Thank You For Asking, is impossible for me to read without hearing her voice). She and her husband Kyle have been bit by the RV bug, and they have a YouTube channel documenting their adventures. It is my absolute delight to hear MK’s one-liners and dry humor in contrast to Kyle’s sweetly earnest narration.
Cottage Fairy. Just like the ancient Greeks figured out that watching people on stage go through terrible things resulted in feelings of release for the viewer, I think the current obsession with cottagecore taps in to something similar. In a world where we’re constantly dosing ourselves with digital dopamine, anything that shows us beauty in unplugging and slowing down gets a visceral response. Ironic delivery system aside, Paola’s channel has really helped me remember to acknowledge and cherish the beautiful in the small and ordinary. And while it’s easy to write off her doe eyes and ASMR voice, she’s a good role model for what it means to lead an examined, grateful, spiritual life as God created you, with your own interests and gifts and limitations.
Kevin Lee Jacobs. I’ve followed Kevin for years and years. Back when he only had a slightly jenky blog like the rest of us, through his cookbook launch and website revamp, and all the way to his YouTube channel. Paradoxically, it is the unpolished nature of his videos that really make me believe he’s the bon vivant he claims to be. He’s too busy delighting in cocktails and his garden to worry about slick production values. If you’re looking for a quirky great-uncle type to show you how to put together a low stress cocktail party or a one sheet dinner that doesn’t look like boat trash, this is the channel for you
Geographics and Biographics. Come for the amazingly talented narrator, stay for the fact that you can pretend like it’s continuing education, and not mindless entertainment. Seriously, I could listen Simon Whistler lecture about any topic, and not only would my attention never drift off, but I’d come away from the experience feeling smarter just because of the conviction in his speaking voice
Biographics and Geographics (not pictured) Rachel Maksy. She’s the funnier, dorkier, less WASP-y Martha Stewart. Home decor, fantastical sewing projects (she once made a dress out of all the bubble wrap left over from moving house), self-effacing humor, you probably already watch Maksy if you like DIY YouTube at all, but if not, check her out. I highly recommend the episode where she reads her middle school diary in the manner of a Masterpiece Theater production
So there’s a couple of channels that fuel weekend crochet sessions and dark winter evenings. What are your favorite YouTubers? Please share in the comments, I’m always looking for new creators to follow.
Akin to Cottage Fairy, but in rural China and focused on food: Liziqi (she doesn't post any more, but there's a lengthy video library to binge) and Longmeimei